athlon 64 dual core tsc out of sync

From: Ed Sweetman
Date: Fri Feb 03 2006 - 21:07:28 EST

I know this has been gone over before, and I am aware of the possible fix being the use of the pmtmr.

My question is, if there is support builtin to the kernel for more than one timer, and we know that no timer but the pmtimer is reliable on a dual core system, why doesn't the startup of the kernel choose the pmtimer based on if it detects the system is a dual core proc with smp enabled? And if the pmtimer doesn't fix this sync issue, is there a fix out there? Currently with 2.6.16-rc1-mm5 the non-customized boot args to the kernel results in these messages.

Losing some ticks... checking if CPU frequency changed.
warning: many lost ticks.
Your time source seems to be instable or some driver is hogging interupts
rip default_idle+0x2d/0x60

cpufreq is enabled of course. -
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