Re: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Sat Feb 04 2006 - 13:47:01 EST
>> And, if we are here, what's wrong with hald using O_EXCL to not
>> interrupt any other program (does hald need to check the media
>> if it's in use)? I assume the problem wouldn't exist with hald
>> using O_EXCL and cdrecord not (yet) using it, would it?
>Let me throw in a stupid question: Is O_EXCL cooperative, in that other
>access is only blocked if both tasks use open(...O_EXCL...)?
That would be some sort of "shared" what you describe.
O_EXCL basically means that there may only be one file descriptor open on
it across the whole kernel. "if both tasks" already includes multiple file
descriptors. (Note that dup() does not really make a new filedescriptor.)
Jan Engelhardt
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