Re: [RFC][PATCH 1/5] Virtualization/containers: startup

From: Kirill Korotaev
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 04:05:46 EST

Just lazy's man's development version of a faked sys_call to create the container
without having to go through all architectures ...
Nothing permanent..

How about an additional sys_exec_container( exec_args + "container_name").
This does all the work like exec, but creates new container
with name "..." and attaches task to new container.
If name exists, an error -EEXIST will be raised !

Why do you need exec?

(a) how do you create/destroy a container
(b) how do you attach yourself to it?
create via syscall.
destroyed when the last process dies in container.
syscall which changes container. you need to close unneeded resources, change context and fork(). That's it.
The whole process is exactly the same as if you changes UID.

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