Re: Linux drivers management
From: Jim Crilly
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 16:37:11 EST
On 02/06/06 05:45:59PM +0800, David Chow wrote:
> Dear maintainers,
> Is there any work in Linux undergoing to separate Linux drivers and the
> the main kernel, and manage drivers using a package management system
> that only manages kernel drivers and modules? If this can be done, the
> kernel maintenance can be simple, and will end-up with a more stable
> (less frequent changed) kernel API for drivers, also make every
> developers of drivers happy.
> Would like to see that happens .
> regards,
> David Chow
Debian includes a tool call module-assistant that allows one to download,
compile and install the 3rd party modules that they package pretty
painlessly. But it obviously doesn't include the drivers already in the
kernel since they're included in the kernel packages.
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