Re: Which is simpler? (Was Re: [Suspend2-devel] Re: [ 00/10][Suspend2] Modules support.)

From: Bojan Smojver
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 23:08:54 EST

Quoting Nigel Cunningham <nigel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Of course, having said that, I don't know how
many people would be more likely to use it if it was in mainline and they
didn't have to patch their kernels, but I'd suspect it would be at least
that number again.

Well, there are far more people that use what distrubutions provide than anything else. And distributions tend to like applying some patches to the vanilla kernel, but if at all possible, not to be too far away from mainline. Which is a good policy, of course, as it reduces the amount of work for them and makes them submit improvements upstream.

So, when distributors are able to get their hands on something that Just Works in the mainline, they will make sure things are nicely integrated, variety of configs are supported (like suspending to swap partitions, swap files or regular files), that the whole thing looks pretty and performs well. All of this can be done with Suspend2 today.

So, it isn't just about the basics any more (i.e. who can suspend and who cannot). Majority of users prefer things that work better, are faster and look prettier.

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