Re: Flames over -- Re: Which is simpler?
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Feb 18 2006 - 07:54:18 EST
> >You are ignoring the question of how the kernel can tell whether two
> >devices are in fact the same. There is no safe way to do this,
> >other than having the hardware verify that the device was connected
> >the whole time.
> >
> >
> If there is no better way to tell for sure that the device that is
> now there is not the same as the one that was there, then the kernel
> must assume the user did not do something stupid and continue to use
Must?! Are you Linus or what?
> the device as if it was not disconnected ( because odds are, it in
> fact, was not ). In other words, which is more safe? ALLWAYS
> loosing data because you can't be absolutely sure that the device is
> the same, or only loosing data if the user does something as foolish
> as swapping drives while suspended, and you can't tell they did?
You are missing this. In 1st case, no data is actually lost, because of
sync in suspend code;
while second case is "goodbye, filesystem".
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