Re: [PATCH] mm: Implement swap prefetching tweaks
From: Mike Galbraith
Date: Tue Mar 14 2006 - 03:41:06 EST
On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 08:06 +0100, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-03-14 at 01:50 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> > Does this go away if you run the mp3 player at nice -20?
> Nope.
But it does go away if I change from amarok to xmms, so amarok is
probably just not buffering quite enough. OTOH, xmms seems to be picky
in other respects. During heavy disk IO, it'll gripe about my soundcard
not being ready while switching songs, retry by poking the play button,
and all is fine. Hohum.
Anyway, seems I can't reproduce the really bad stuff here, so no can
tinker with.
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