Re: Dmesg is not showing whole boot list
From: Gene Heskett
Date: Tue Mar 14 2006 - 12:13:44 EST
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 10:05, Phillip Susi wrote:
>Or look in your /var/log/kern.log file instead of asking dmesg. dmesg
>just dumps the kernel ring buffer which is of finite size. The entire
>contents should be logged to /var/log/kern.log.
You've got to have /var checked and mounted to be able to do that log
write, if the buffer overflows before that, then the head end of the
dmesg dump to the /var/log/dmesg file is lost forever.
There is a line that can be changed, in xconfig or by hand, to control
the memory allocated for this ring buffer.
Finally found it in the xconfig display, left panel line=kernel hacking,
right panel its under kernel debugging and shows only if thats checked,
double click on the line that says : kernel log buffer size and enter a
one digit increment from whats there now, maybe 2, I have mine set for
16. Your default may be as low as 14, why I have NDI because 16k sure
as heck isn't enough if something gets chatty.
>Peter Hagervall wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 09:01:27AM +0100, CIJOML wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> maybe this si a wrong list to ask, bug after boot, dmesg shows that
>>> few lines at the beginning are missing.
>>> Is there any option I can increase to get full dmesg?
>> Try increasing CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT and recompile. That's likely the
>> source of your problem.
>> Peter Hagervall
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Cheers, Gene
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