Re: Dmesg is not showing whole boot list
From: Gene Heskett
Date: Tue Mar 14 2006 - 13:31:58 EST
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 12:28, Kyle Moffett wrote:
>On Mar 14, 2006, at 12:16:23, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Tuesday 14 March 2006 10:05, Phillip Susi wrote:
>>> Or look in your /var/log/kern.log file instead of asking dmesg.
>>> dmesg just dumps the kernel ring buffer which is of finite size.
>>> The entire contents should be logged to /var/log/kern.log.
>> You've got to have /var checked and mounted to be able to do that
>> log write, if the buffer overflows before that, then the head end
>> of the dmesg dump to the /var/log/dmesg file is lost forever.
>> There is a line that can be changed, in xconfig or by hand, to
>> control the memory allocated for this ring buffer.
>> Finally found it in the xconfig display, left panel line=kernel
>> hacking, right panel its under kernel debugging and shows only if
>> thats checked, double click on the line that says : kernel log
>> buffer size and enter a one digit increment from whats there now,
>> maybe 2, I have mine set for 16. Your default may be as low as 14,
>> why I have NDI because 16k sure as heck isn't enough if something
>> gets chatty.
>To continue this point; on my desktop I have root/var/tmp/vicepa-on-
>LVM-on-RAID5, boot-on-RAID1, and swap-on-RAID1, so I would easily
>overflow the default SMP dmesg buffer size in messages well before
>syslogd/bootlogd got started. I finally ended up having to increment
>the default by 3 in order to have the boot messages still available
>after booting. It would be nice if we could quiet down some of the
>more excessively verbose kernel messages, there's a lot of mostly-
>irrelevant spew that chews up log buffer space.
I think thats somewhat true but then when you need that info for
figureing out what didn't work, its priceless. The only thing I'd
stick a hot potato in is ACPI, its turned off in the config and still
supplies about 5k of its mewling on boot. But my /proc/interrupts says
its not working, which is what counts so I can keep good time with
>Kyle Moffett
Cheers, Gene
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