Re: Idea: Automatic binary driver compiling system
From: Sander
Date: Sun Mar 19 2006 - 11:29:07 EST
Benjamin Bach wrote (ao):
> Linux get's better hardware support
With the help of binary drivers? Not likely. The smart people on this
list can't help for example.
> As of now Linux won't force vendors into creating open source drivers.
> That'd be like a small dog barking.
Well, as a customer you can put your money where your mouth is, and
simply buy other hardware. That is a way of forcing, or at least
stimulating the market.
As a kernel hacker you can choose to reverse engineer.
Btw, read this thread and tell me if you still agree that binary drivers
and depending on a company are a good thing:
Kind regards, Sander
Humilis IT Services and Solutions
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