Re: SubmittingPatches typo
From: Alan Cox
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 06:07:14 EST
> Nope. It's actually one of the amusing places where there *is* no rule.
> Plurals that end in s always get just the apostrophe. But for singular
> nouns that end in s, while I tend to think of "'s" as the default, some
> people like to drop the final s if the result ("Sophocles's") would
> otherwise sound awkward spoken aloud.
The definitive references have this to say
US English: Strunk and White says it should be "Torvalds's" and that the
apostrophe alone is used only for ancient particularly biblical names
ending in -es/is (eg Moses' laws)
UK English: The Oxford Guide To Style says
"Use 's after non-classical or non-classicizing personal names ending
with an s or z sound). It also says that Torvalds' would be acceptable.
So both agree that
is correct and that would appear to be the right choice to keep everyone
both sides of the pond happy.
Jan: Care to submit an updated patch as the original is indeed wrong ?
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