Re: VFAT: Can't create file named 'aux.h'?
From: John Stoffel
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 14:54:40 EST
>>>>> "H" == H Peter Anvin <hpa@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
H> It probably depends on how picky you want to be. As far as I know,
H> even NT will recognize a character device name without leaving
H> \DEV\, even though \DEV\ has been the "official" device prefix
H> since DOS 2.0.
H> Probably it would be worth trying to create "aux.h" under XP and
H> see what happens. Unfortunately I don't have a 'doze system handy
H> at the moment.
Unfortunately I do. The desktop won't let me create a file named
'aux' or 'aux.h' at all. I tried fooling it with 'auxx' and then
renaming it it 'aux' but it won't let me using the mouse stuff.
Still wouldn't let me create that name from the 'cmd' shell either.
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