Re: hda-intel woes

From: Jeff V. Merkey
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 18:27:41 EST

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Jeff V. Merkey wrote:


Purchase a support contract for customer service, fastest way to get help.

Several things have escaped you:
1 - common politeness - the question was reasonable

Common politeness? The person posted several times and was ignored. We purchase and use red hat products all day long and their service is excellent. When our cutomers call for support problems get fixed and addressed -- without our customers being harnessed and used as guinea pigs to test buggy patches. Some people are simply users and need to go to the supplier of the distribution to get drivers or help. Red Hat's online forums are outstanding and most of these questions get answered and addressed just by searching their site -- even for distros from other vendors. Intel Video and other support in FC2, ES4, etc. must come from Red hat and Suse since their kernels are so forked, they cannot be used without several hundred patches (NPTL, etc).

2 - sound doesn't work on ASUS laptops up thru at least

3 - Fedora is user supported

And has an enormous knoweldge base on red hat's website covering numerous issues.

Having spent months trying to convince people that there was no {various_things} to mute or unmute, it didn't work with earphones either, etc, I decided that given a choice between (a) Windows, (b) a new laptop which might not work either, or (c) a cheap USB sound setup, I decided to stop banging my head on that particular rock.

My friend bought one at the same time I did, he reports that neither the latest Fedora kernel,, or 2.6.16 works. Downloading the latest ALSA patches may work if they apply to the kernel you have.

I wasn;t trying to be flippant or rude, I was simply pointing this person to a website where they might find answers. Most users are not programmers and expecting them to debug patches and rebuild a kernel (which won't work in most cases because of forking and massive patches by the DISTRO vendors) .
Linux has grown up. People using laptops with distros will find a lot of answers on these forums.

How about wireless drivers? Bcm drivers for example. Written as NDIS and using ndiswrapper. Laptop issues are complicated and not general bugs. LKML isn;t useful to address these issues. I don't even get responses on AMD issues and I do kernel development all day long. And I don't use stock releases any longer since the distro's have forked so extensively.

And the whining about where a website link was posted on a reply is not something to get crosswise over. Next time I'll respond quietly to the user and save the vitriol.

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