SDIO Drivers?
From: Ram
Date: Tue Apr 04 2006 - 04:39:20 EST
i want to write an SDIO driver. There is not much information of
what an SDIO driver is
supposed to do or any sample sdio drivers.
I have a few questions regarding that:
1) What is an SDIO Driver?.
2) Is SDIO a protocol/standard to which all devices confirm?.
3) Is it a generic driver ?. (Same for a set of devices) or
different for each device?
Suppose i want to run an SDIO WLAN Card?. will the
manufacturer support it or
an will a Generic Driver "drive" it?
4) What is a SD Driver?
5) What are the differences between SD Driver and SDIO Driver?.
6) Are there any sample/Open Source SDIO drivers available in Linux
Kernel or else where?.If, not when can one expect/is anyone working on
it currently?.
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