Re: Badness in local_bh_enable at kernel/softirq.c:140 with inet_stream
From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Thu Apr 06 2006 - 14:00:36 EST
On Thu, 6 Apr 2006, jordi Vaquero wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to make a Linux Kernel module. My module has a network
> comunication with sockets, I use the functions like this skeleton,
> sd = sock_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,&sock);
> if(sd<0){
> printk(KERN_ERR "Error\n");
> }else{
> sout.sin_family = AF_INET;
> err = inet_aton("",&sout.sin_addr); //this
> function works well, I implemented it.
> sout.sin_port = htons(20000);
> sd = sock->ops->connect(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&sout,
> sizeof(sout),O_RDWR);
> if(sd<0){
> printk(KERN_ERR "Error \n");
> sock_release(sock);
> }else{
> ...
> ...
> ...
> sock_release(sock);
> }
> My problem is that sometimes, at some point near the connect function, a
> warning is launched and dmesg shows this:
[SNIPPED... Crap]
This has become a FAQ...
If you need to do this INSIDE the kernel, you need to do it from
a kernel thread. Otherwise, your socket is indistinguishable
from somebody else's open file descriptor. A file descriptor needs
a CONTEXT! The kernel doesn't have a CONTEXT! You need a process
to have a context, either a kernel thread or a user-mode task.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version on an i686 machine (5589.42 BogoMips).
Warning : 98.36% of all statistics are fiction, book release in April.
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