2.4.32: unresolved symbol unregister_qdisc
From: George P Nychis
Date: Sat Apr 08 2006 - 18:47:59 EST
I have a kernel module that uses unregister_qdisc and register_qdisc, whenever i try to insert the module I get:
/lib/modules/2.4.32/kernel/net/sched/sch_xcp.o: /lib/modules/2.4.32/kernel/net/sched/sch_xcp.o: unresolved symbol unregister_qdisc
/lib/modules/2.4.32/kernel/net/sched/sch_xcp.o: /lib/modules/2.4.32/kernel/net/sched/sch_xcp.o: unresolved symbol register_qdisc
Am i missing some sort of support in the kernel?
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