Re: The assemble file under the driver folder can not be recognized when the driver is built as module

From: linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Date: Mon Apr 10 2006 - 15:13:04 EST

On Mon, 10 Apr 2006, Sam Ravnborg wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 02:04:59PM -0400, linux-os (Dick Johnson) wrote:
>> Can't he just put his own private compile definition in his
>> own Makefile?
>> %.o: %.S
>> as -o $@ $<
> That would never generate a module anyway. And kbuild support building
> .o from .S with all the kbuild argument chechking etc.
> Doing it so would be wrong.
> Sam

Really?? Here is a Makefile that has been known to work for sometime.
As you can clearly see, it has lots of ".S" files. The last compile
was on Linux- If current kernel building procedures prevents
the assembly of assembly-language files and requires that the kernel
modules be written entirely in 'C', then it is broken beyond all
belief and must be fixed.

# Copyright(c) 2004 Analogic Corporation
# This program may be distributed under the GNU Public License
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA, 02111.
# Project Makefile for kernel versions over 6
# Created 05-OCT-2004 Richard B. Johnson
# Note that macro "obj" refers to this directory when
# make is executing from the kernel directory.

as -o $@ $<

VERS := $(shell uname -r)
CDIR := $(shell pwd)
MKNOD = /usr/bin/mknodp
FNAM = HeavyLink

OBJS = datalink.o min_size_t.o license.o ram_test.o\
rwcheck.o seeprom.o rwreg.o rnd.o\
rdtsc.o dma_buffer.o ioctltxt.o

all: chkhdrs
@make V=1 -C /usr/src/linux-$(VERS) SUBDIRS=$(CDIR) modules
strip -x -R .note -R .comment $(FNAM).ko

obj-m := $(FNAM).o
$(FNAM)-objs := $(OBJS)
$(obj)/min_size_t.o: $(obj)/min_size_t.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/license.o: $(obj)/license.c $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ram_test.o: $(obj)/ram_test.c $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rwcheck.o: $(obj)/rwcheck.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rwreg.o: $(obj)/rwreg.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rnd.o: $(obj)/rnd.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rdtsc.o: $(obj)/rdtsc.S $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ioctltxt.o: $(obj)/ioctltxt.s
$(obj)/datalink.o: $(obj)/datalink.c $(obj)/datalink.h\
$(obj)/config.h $(obj)/types.h\
$(obj)/plx.h $(obj)/dlb.h\
$(obj)/ver.h $(obj)/Makefile\
$(SUBDIRS)/bool.h $(SUBDIRS)/kver.h
$(obj)/dma_buffer.o: $(obj)/dma_buffer.c $(obj)/datalink.h\
$(obj)/config.h $(obj)/Makefile\
$(obj)/seeprom.o: $(obj)/seeprom.c $(obj)/plx.h\
$(obj)/types.h $(obj)/Makefile

chkhdrs: ../tools/chkhdrs.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o chkhdrs ../tools/chkhdrs.c

$(SUBDIRS)/chktrue: $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c

$(SUBDIRS)/bool.h: $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue

$(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt: $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c

$(SUBDIRS)/ioctltxt.s: $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/datalink.h
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt

$(SUBDIRS)/chkver: $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c

$(SUBDIRS)/kver.h: $(SUBDIRS)/chkver
cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(VERS)

install: $(MKNOD)
@sh install

$(MKNOD): ../tools/mknodp.c
make -C ../tools

rm -rf $(OBJS) $(FNAM).ko $(FNAM).mod.c $(FNAM)*.o \.*.cmd \
chkhdrs \.tmp_versions chktrue bool.h kver.h *.s mkioctltxt chkver
@sh clean

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version on an i686 machine (5589.42 BogoMips).
Warning : 98.36% of all statistics are fiction, book release in April.

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