Re: [PATCH] MODULE_FIRMWARE for binary firmware(s)
From: Jon Masters
Date: Tue Apr 18 2006 - 20:15:46 EST
On 4/19/06, David Lang <dlang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> would it be possible to have something less then an initrd that would
> allow the firmware blob to be packaged with the kernel?
With some modifications perhaps. I don't know if I see the value tbh :-)
> Your approach is just fine if the things that will need firmware are
> compiled as modules
Hmmm. Yeah. I'm not sure what the general feeling is on this - I'm
tempted to say that we expect modules to be used and that if they're
not then the vendor/user has to do the hoop jumping for themselves.
This code won't stop you from making a monolithic kernel and
satisfying any module requirements for yourself :-)
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