Re: Van Jacobson's net channels and real-time
From: Vojtech Pavlik
Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 08:41:16 EST
On Tue, Apr 25, 2006 at 07:29:40AM -0400, linux-os (Dick Johnson) wrote:
> >> Message signaled interrupts are just a kudge to save a trace on a
> >> PC board (read make junk cheaper still).
> >
> > yes. Also in PCI-Express there is no physical interrupt line anymore due to
> > the architecture, so even classical interrupts are sent as "message" over the bus.
> >
> >> They are not faster and may even be slower.
> >
> > thus in the case of PCI-Express, MSI interrupts are just as fast as the
> > ordinary ones. I have no numbers on whether MSI is faster or not then e.g.
> > interrupts on PCI-X, but generally speaking, the PCI-Express bus is not
> > designed to be "low latency" at all, at best it gives you X latency, where X
> > is something like microseconds. The MSI message itself only takes 10-20
> > nanoseconds though, but all the handling probably adds a large factor to that
> > (1000 or so). No clue on classical interrupt line latency - anyone?
> About 9 nanosecond per foot of FR-4 (G10) trace, plus the access time
> through the gate-arrays (about 20 ns) so, from the time a device needs
> the CPU, until it hits the interrupt pin, you have typically 30 to
> 50 nanoseconds. Of course the CPU is __much__ slower. However, these
> physical latencies are in series, cannot be compensated for because
> the CPU can't see into the future.
You seem to be missing the fact that most of todays interrupts are
delivered through the APIC bus, which isn't fast at all.
Vojtech Pavlik
Director SuSE Labs
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