Re: netlink+ARP+CLIP == broken,
From: Stephen Hemminger
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 17:42:50 EST
On Wed, 03 May 2006 22:32:39 +0100
Simon Kelley <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Both net/ipv4/arp.c and net/arm/clip.c create neighbour tables with
> family == AF_INET. For most purposes this is fine, since the two modules
> each hold a pointer to their table and pass it into the neigh_* functions.
> A problem arises in neigh_add, which is called by the rtnetlink code and
> which iterates through all the neighbour tables looking for the first
> one with the correct family. Since there are two different tables with
> family == AF_INET, sometimes it picks the wrong one.
> This leads to the situation where sending a RTM_NEWNEIGH message via
> netlink can generate an ignored and useless entry in the clip table,
> whilst the not affecting another entry in the ARP table, both entries
> for the same IP.
> Viz:
> sid:~# ip neigh
> dev eth0 lladdr 52:54:00:12:34:59 REACHABLE
> dev eth0 FAILED
> It's not immediately obvious how to fix this in a conceptually clean
> manner: neighbour tables are not associated with single netdevices, and
> they don't carry an address-type field. Given a {IP,lladdr,device}
> triple, its easy to determine if the device is ether-like or CLIP, but
> then the update call would have to go via the ARP and CLIP modules,
> instead of direct to the neighbour module in an address independent way.
> New address types would need further additions to the netlink/neighbour
> code.
> OTOH there are several obvious hacks that will fix the immediate
> problem. I'm happy to provide a patch implementing one if that's desired.
> Looking again, I think this is also a security hole, since the CLIP code
> keeps a whole struct including pointers in the neighbour table entry
> where ARP has the MAC address. So this might provide a way to poke
> arbitrary pointers into the kernel via RTM_NEWNEIGH. Only for root, though.
This was fixed in and current 2.6.17
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