Re: Linux
From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Thu May 04 2006 - 23:03:53 EST
On Friday 05 May 2006 12:33, Chris Wright wrote:
> * Nigel Cunningham (ncunningham@xxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> > Is this supposed to be some sort of subtle pressure on Linus to open 2.7?
> > :>
> He does every couple months and leaves it open for a few weeks.
> Then, just to keep us guessing, he releases it with a 2.6 name ;-)
> Actually, I think the system is working quite well. We've got a quick
> route for getting bug fixes and security fixes to users, and a shorter
> devel cycle helping distro folks get more regular drops from upstream.
> This particular patch applies all the way back to the beginning of git
> time (over a year ago), and I'm sure earlier. So it's hard to conclude
> it's a byproduct of the release cycles.
:) Tongue was firmly in cheek. I guess I should have said more initially. It
wasn't so much the patch, as the speed with which they're coming. It makes me
(at least) feel like the stable series is unstable. Couldn't you store them
up for a day or two at a time (unless of course they really are that
important that they require a quicker cycle).
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