Re: Wiretapping Linux?
From: Peter Chubb
Date: Tue May 16 2006 - 20:57:32 EST
>>>>> "Ingo" == Ingo Oeser <ioe-lkml@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Ingo> Hi, On Tuesday, 16. May 2006 17:05, linux-os (Dick Johnson)
Ingo> wrote:
>> It's hard to find Windows products that don't contain such
>> spyware. As Linux becomes more prevalent on the desktop, you can
>> expect to find such spyware there too.
Ingo> Recent examples: - Update availability checkers (e.g. Adept). -
Ingo> Installation routines of a certain distribution calling all a
Ingo> predefined NTP server instead of on first start.
For that matter, the Debian `popularity' package is spyware. But at
least youi have the choice whether to install it or not.
Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT ERTOS within National ICT Australia
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