[...]I say it is a firefox problem because other apps don't have this delay!
Did you actually do that? Starting Firefox over a 6 Mbit VPN takes about 3 minutes on a FAST machine. ThatÂs not acceptable - our users want (almost) immediate response to an application, to clicking and waiting 10 seconds until the app is doing something.It is not that bad. I tried starting firefox on a machine 20km away, using a 5Mbps ADSL link from the "wrong" end. (I ssh'ed into my home pc from work.) Firefox started in 55s, not 3min. Still bad, but that is a firefox problem, not a generic X-tunneling problem. I can start the lyx word processor in 3s over the same link, and have decent performance while using it too.
55 seconds to start an application... ThatÂs not acceptable. Why do you
think itÂs a Firefox problem? Did you try this with a Java application?
I donÂt wanna blame X in general, just saying it is useless if youÂreIt all depends on what latency and bandwith you have.
sitting in Hungary or Poland and want to work remotely - in comparision to
The question for me is not "X or not X" - but how to enable people to start60 sessions - sure. The more users, the more resources you need . . .
e. g. "sam" on an HP-UX box without needing to wait minutes before the
application starts. It works - for sure, but the speed is for our needs not
acceptable. Additionally ~ 60 ssh sessions on a single box will but a lot of
CPU load on the system beside the fact, that you need a BIG BIG pipe.