Re: [PATCH] Add compile domain (was: Re: [PATCH] Well, Linus seemsto like Lordi...)
From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Mon May 29 2006 - 16:20:29 EST
On Mon, 29 May 2006, Gabor Gombas wrote:
> Which full hostname? I have access to a machine with 2 NICs having 5
> IPv4 addresses total, and none of the associated DNS records correspond
> to the hostname.
That is no less true for the non-full hostname.
The fact is, a hostname is a hostname, and not "5 different hostnames".
You're right that it has nothing to do with the IP address, but where did
I claim it did?
If you have to have a hostname (and we do - it's undeniably part of what
UNIX networking does), it's much better to make the hostname be a fully
qualified one. Because it's never worse than having just a non-qualified
one, and it is often better, and avoids the whole confusion.
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