Re: [RFC 2/5] sched: Add CPU rate soft caps
From: Peter Williams
Date: Wed May 31 2006 - 19:38:39 EST
Kirill Korotaev wrote:
I understand that, I was talking about fairness between capped tasks
and what might be considered fair or intutive between capped tasks and
regular tasks. Of course, the last point is debatable ;)
Well, the primary fairness mechanism in the scheduler is the time
slice allocation and the capping code doesn't fiddle with those so
there should be a reasonable degree of fairness (taking into account
"nice") between capped tasks. To improve that would require
allocating several new priority slots for use by tasks exceeding their
caps and fiddling with those. I don't think that it's worth the bother.
I think more needs to be said about the fairness issue.
1. If a task is getting its cap or more then it's getting its fair share
as specified by that cap. Yes?
2. If a task is getting less CPU usage then its cap then it will be
being scheduled just as if it had no cap and will be getting its fair
share just as much as any task is.
So there is no fairness problem.
I suppose it should be handled still. a subjective feeling :)
BTW, do you have any test results for your patch?
It would be interesting to see how precise these limitations are and
whether or not we should bother for the above...
I tend to test by observing the results of setting caps on running tasks
and this doesn't generate something that can be e-mailed.
Observations indicate that hard caps are enforced to less than 1% and
ditto for soft caps except for small soft caps where the fact (stated in
the patches) that enforcement is not fully strict in order to prevent
priority inversion or starvation means that the cap is generally
exceeded. I'm currently making modifications (based on suggestions by
Con Kolivas) that implement an alternative method for avoiding priority
inversion and starvation and allow the enforcement to be more strict.
Peter Williams pwil3058@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Learning, n. The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious."
-- Ambrose Bierce
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