Re: OpenGL-based framebuffer concepts
From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 05:42:36 EST
>> As long as I can continue to use 80x25 or any of the "pure text modes"
>> (vga=scan boot option says more) without loading any FB/DRM, I am satisfied
>Jan, I don't plan on forcing fbdev/DRM on anyone. My work is going to leave
>vgacon alone, and if my work at making DRM and FBdev cooperate goes as
>planned, those two will remain independant, though part of my work aims at
>having fbdev provide all 2D graphics acceleration for DRM while DRM handles
>the 3D stuff via the Mesa libraries or similar.
That sounds acceptable.
But current vesafb is slower, noticable with scrolling as in `ls -Rl /`.
Does it lack 2D acceleration?
Jan Engelhardt
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