Re: State of resume for AHCI?
From: Mark Lord
Date: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 14:29:44 EST
The one-line "resume fix" (attached) *might* be all that you need.
This is in current Linus 2.6.17-rc*-git*
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From: Mark Lord <liml@xxxxxx>
Organization: Real-Time Remedies Inc.
To: Jeff Garzik <jeff@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [PATCH] 2.6.17-rc5: the latest consensus libata resume fix
Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 11:28:00 -0400
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Okay, just to sum things up.
The patch below is the current "release candidate" for
improving the libata/ata_piix resume functionality in 2.6.17-rc*.
It forces libata to wait for up to 2 seconds for BUSY|DRQ to clear
on resume before continuing. This is only for 2.6.17 at present.
We are waiting on Jens to test and report back for this specific version.
Signed-off-by: Mark Lord <liml@xxxxxx>
--- linux-2.6.17-rc5/drivers/scsi/libata-core.c
+++ linux/drivers/scsi/libata-core.c
@@ -4296,6 +4296,7 @@ static int ata_start_drive(struct ata_po
int ata_device_resume(struct ata_port *ap, struct ata_device *dev)
if (ap->flags & ATA_FLAG_SUSPENDED) {
+ ata_busy_wait(ap, ATA_BUSY | ATA_DRQ, 200000);
ap->flags &= ~ATA_FLAG_SUSPENDED;
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