Re: [PATCH 2.6.17-rc6-mm1 ] net: RFC 3828-compliant UDP-Lite support
From: Gerrit Renker
Date: Thu Jun 08 2006 - 12:03:34 EST
Quoting Alan Cox:
| Ar Iau, 2006-06-08 am 11:50 +0100, ysgrifennodd Gerrit Renker:
| > + UDP-Lite introduces a new socket type, the SOCK_LDGRAM (note the L) for
| > + lightweight, connection-less services. These are the socket options:
| This is not the intended use of the socket API when distinguishing
| between services. The socket() call has a protocol field that is usually
| unused and it exists precisely to disambiguate multiple protocols with
| the same generic behaviour but different properties.
| is probably the right way to do this, keeping 0 "default" as before
| meaning IPPROTO_UDP
Understood. Please, anyone, disregard or un-apply the previous UDP-Lite patch.
A revised patch will be prepared and posted as soon as testing permits.
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