Re: [Ext2-devel] [RFC 0/13] extents and 48bit ext3
From: KELEMEN Peter
Date: Fri Jun 09 2006 - 12:53:15 EST
* Alex Tomas (alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) [20060609 20:48]:
> I think about extents as a step-by-step way ... call it ext4 *now* and have a complete rewrite of the whole
codebase as ext5. Users get what they want now (ext4) and Linus
gets what he wants later (ext5). Extents are useful for Joe
Average User with <2 TB filesystems as well.
It's already funny enough that I'm using e2* tools for managing
ext3 filesystems...
.+'''+. .+'''+. .+'''+. .+'''+. .+''
Kelemen PÃter / \ / \ Peter.Kelemen@xxxxxxx
.+' `+...+' `+...+' `+...+' `+...+'
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