Re: Can't Mount CF-Card on boot of 2.6.15 Kernel on EPIA - VFS: Cannot open root device
From: Markus Biermaier
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 17:32:16 EST
Am 13.06.2006 um 23:22 schrieb Randy.Dunlap:
On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 23:10:04 +0200 Markus Biermaier wrote:
So the result before the boot-panic is:
here are the partitions available:
2100 500472 hde driver: ide-disk
2101 500440 hde1
But can anyone tell me how "root=/dev/hde1" translates to
That's (hex) 0x2101. In Documentation /devices.txt, we see:
33 block Third IDE hard disk/CD-ROM interface
0 = /dev/hde Master: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
64 = /dev/hdf Slave: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
Partitions are handled the same way as for the first
interface (see major number 3)
So device 33 (hex 21) is /dev/hde and 0x01 is partition 1 == hde1.
Its HEX and I tried always in my "linuxrc":
------------------------- [ BEGIN linuxrc ] -------------------------
# brw-rw---- 1 root disk 33, 1 Jan 19 2001 /dev/hde1
echo 0x3301 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
------------------------- [ END linuxrc ] -------------------------
So it would have probably worked if I would have written "echo
0x2101 ..."
Thank you, Randy.
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