spinlock recursion bug

From: Oliver Spang
Date: Tue Jun 20 2006 - 06:56:56 EST

Arghhh, forgot the subject, so sorry for the repost:

I got the following bug from the kernel (2.6.16):
BUG: Spinlock recursion on CPU#0, swapped/0 (not tained)
lock d94566c4, .magic:dead4ead, .owner: swapper/0, .owner_cpu:0
BUG: Spinloc lockup on CPU#0, swapper/0, d94566c4 (not tained)

Unfortunately there is no dump or call trace afterwards, and the address of the lock isn't the same on each crash.
Could you give me a hint how to get a call trace after the crash, or can I somehow resolve the address of the lock to a symbol?

Can you please CC me, because I'm not subscribed to the list.


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