Re: Porting BSD console screensavers to Linux
From: Alan Cox
Date: Tue Jun 20 2006 - 10:49:51 EST
Ar Maw, 2006-06-20 am 11:40 -0300, ysgrifennodd Tony Rowe:
> Hello,
> I have been wondering about this for a few years. Are there any
> [non-locking] screensavers for the Linux console like 'warp_saver' which
> is implemented in the BSD kernel I think? Could the BSD syscons
> screensavers be implemented in the Linux kernel? The warp_saver.c is
> included below.
Why do it in the kernel ? It would seem to be far more sensible to use a
callout via udev or similar so that savers could live in user space
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