Re: [git pull] ieee1394 tree for 2.6.18

From: Stefan Richter
Date: Tue Jun 20 2006 - 15:30:17 EST

Russell King wrote:
On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 08:14:45PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
I want them to tell me what they are sending, so that _when_ I pull, I can line up the result of that pull with the mail they sent, and I can tell "ok, that's actually what the other side intended".

Given that you've complained about me sending daily pull requests
already, how do you intend folk to handle the situation where they've
sent you a pull request, it's apparantly been ignored, and they update
the tree from which you pull (maybe for akpm's benefit) and then you
eventually get around to pulling it a couple of days later?

I don't maintain git repos myself, but I'd say _branches_ or something like that might be the way to go.
Stefan Richter
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