Re: Memory corruption in 8390.c ?

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Jun 21 2006 - 13:37:55 EST

Ar Mer, 2006-06-21 am 10:23 -0700, ysgrifennodd Ben Pfaff:
> > + memset(buf, 0, ETH_ZLEN); /* more efficient than doing just the needed bits */
> > + memcpy(buf, data, ETH_ZLEN);
> Is this really correct? It zeros out ETH_ZLEN bytes only to
> immediately copy over all of them again.

When I did it originally I tested with rdtsc and its actually quicker to
let it build the static memset the copy data over it than to do the
extra maths and the variable length loop.

Hence the comment

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