Re: Measuring tools - top and interrupts

From: sena seneviratne
Date: Sat Jun 24 2006 - 00:38:26 EST


Yes you have to change the procps to read the new /proc/stat

For example, after separating the load and disk IO measurements, also separating for per user at the kernel level, I had to introduce new code into procps/ to reflect those changes

Otherwise those tools (top, uptime etc) would not know the new formats etc.

Sydney University

At 04:07 AM 6/24/2006 +0200, you wrote:
On 2006.06.22 09:58:08 -0700, Danial Thom wrote:
> And 75K pps may not be "much", but its still at
> least 10% of what the system can handle, so it
> should measure around a 10% load. 2.4 measures
> about 12% load. So the only conclusion is that
> load accounting is broken in 2.6.

Are you by chance using procps < 3.1.12? The kernel reports absolute
values for cpu usage, the conversion to percentage is done by top/vmstat
itself. And those old versions don't know about the new fields that 2.6
kernels have in /proc/stat, thus they simply ignore the si and hi
values, producing quite misleading results...


PS: procps 3.1.12 was released in 2003, so if DEC was stone age and my
assumption about your tools holds, then your tools are like... medieval :)
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