Re: [RFC/SERIOUS] grilling troubled CPUs for fun and profit?
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Jun 24 2006 - 15:54:07 EST
On Fri 2006-06-23 19:32:59, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> >> K6 run cooler even with the regular kernel HLT (sti/hlt I presume).
> >> Difference to full load can be up to 10 deg, depending on ambient (room)
> >> temperature. In winter (read 2005-12-31) it ran between 28 celsius and 34
> >> celsius. The fan even stopped and I thought it was a fan failure, but
> >> luckily it was just hw-controlled :)
> >
> >Okay, so you've got a point. The patch is useful on k6 in the winter
> >:-). (Actually, to show you've got a point, you'd have to stop the fan
> >and show that cpu badly overheats under for(;;) conditions).
> If you spend me a new CPU, no problem :p
> Maybe someone from AMD with spare K6s can try.
> >Yes, we probably want to consolidate various for(;;) loops... and
> >maybe it will helpsomeone. If overheating causes reboot instead of
> >panic, you probably still loose, as BIOS is close to for(;;)...
> The best would be to turn the machine off after, say, 60 seconds. (So you
> can grab the panic, if there is one.)
I'd rather not overdo it. Shutting machine down is pretty hard
(cesky, pictures)
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