RE: [PATCH] ia64: change usermode HZ to 250

From: Arjan van de Ven
Date: Wed Jun 28 2006 - 06:32:45 EST

On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 11:47 +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> Ar Mer, 2006-06-28 am 10:43 +0200, ysgrifennodd Arjan van de Ven:
> > I would hope not; it's a pretty big regression for the telco space
> > (which really wants 1 or 2 msec delays) so I hope/assume all the
> > enterprise distributions (which ia64 specially cares about) stick to the
> > old 1024 value...
> 250 is also really bad for multimedia people. They would much rather
> have 300 than 250 as it divides nicely by 50 and by 60 for frame rates.

yup I know; I proposed that back when this was discussed but lost that
argument ;(

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