Re: [PATCH] (Longhaul 1/5) PCI: Protect bus master DMA from Longhaulby rw semaphores

From: Bart Hartgers
Date: Thu Jun 29 2006 - 08:01:48 EST

Alan Cox wrote:
> Ar Mer, 2006-06-28 am 20:25 +0200, ysgrifennodd RafaÅ Bilski:
>> AUTOHALT, this means interrupts must be disabled except for the time tick,
>> which should be reset to >=1ms. Care must be taken to avoid other system events
>> that could interfere with this operation. A few examples are snooping, NMI,
>> INIT, SMI and FLUSH."
> "snooping". So we do need the cache sorting out.

If I understand correctly, trouble occurs when the processor tries to
snoop? Would disabling (via MSR) and flushing the caches before changing
the frequency help in that case?


Bart Hartgers - TUE Eindhoven -
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