Re: Measuring tools - top and interrupts
From: Danial Thom
Date: Fri Jun 30 2006 - 09:40:23 EST
--- Mike Galbraith <efault@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 13:45 -0700, Danial Thom
> wrote:
> > I think the one thing we can surmise from
> this
> > thread is that you can't rely on kernel usage
> > statistics to be accurate, as its likely that
> > there are many, many cases that don't work
> > properly. It was always wrong in 2.4 as well.
> Once identified, problems tend to get fixed.
> This one will probably be
> history soon. You know the old saying
> though... "There are lies, there
> are _damn_ lies, and then there are
> _statistics_".
The usefulness of statistics is a function of the
breadth of understand of the person interpreting
But I don't think that applies here, because we
are not questioning the conclusions from the
statistics, only the accuracy of the gathering.
Its a completely different thing to say, for
example, that population growth is due to too
many babies when it might be immigration or a
reduction in the death rate, than it is to say
that the numbers gathered are simply wrong.
The truth is that you guys can't be bothered
unless the numbers are so far off that its an
embarrasment. Until someone who cares about it
(and knows how to do it) puts their nose to the
grindstone and makes sure that everything is
being done correctly, they'll be largely useless.
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