Re: acpi gets wrong interrupt for via sata in

From: Chris Wedgwood
Date: Thu Jul 06 2006 - 23:47:02 EST

On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 06:14:53PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:

> I have both reversion patches queued up but haven't heard from
> anyone about anything.

i saw that --- i don't think it's right, but it's not more wrong than
having that merged as-is in the first place which i'll argue is wrong
by virtue of the fact we run the quirk everywhere and apparently break

> I don't know if anyone's working on this bug.

it's not forgotten, i'm waiting to hear back from people still.
enabling ACPI *should* suffice, but for some people clearly it doesn't
(there are claims VIA got their ACPI wrong so this might explain why
it works for some people and not others)

> Thursday is my subsystem-maintainer-spamming day, so the reverts
> will be heading Gregwards today.

like i said, i really don't think reverting the patches is technically
correct, but given that i don't have adequate hardware to test against
it might be the least painful option right now

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