Re: [PATCH] Clean up old names in tty code to current names

From: Jon Smirl
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 11:53:40 EST

On 7/10/06, Antonino A. Daplas <adaplas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Alan Cox wrote:
> Ar Llu, 2006-07-10 am 10:57 -0400, ysgrifennodd Jon Smirl:
>>> A few apps do rely on /proc/tty/drivers for the major-minor
>>> to device name mapping. /dev/vc/0 does not exist (unless
>>> created manually) without devfs.
>> This is why I questioned if /proc/tty was really in use, it contains
>> an entry that is obviously wrong for my system.
> Which tools already know about.

True. I see this code snippet many times:

BSD has /dev/vc/0 right? I suspect that code is there to support BSD
and make the app portable.

As far as I know the only time Linux has ever had /dev/vc/0 was during
the brief excursion into devfs land. At that time /proc/tty/drivers
was modified to support devfs. But now devfs has been removed and the
device has reverted back to tty0. But /proc/tty/drivers wasn't
adjusted for devfs removal.

fd = open("/dev/vc/0", FLAGS);
if (fd == -1)
fd = open("/dev/tty0", FLAGS);

> What is so hard to understand about the
> idea that pointless random changes break stuff and don't fix things.

But since we're killing devfs, changing /dev/vc/0 to /dev/tty0 will be one
of the nails in devfs' coffin :-)


Jon Smirl
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