On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 18:05 -0400, Daniel Bonekeeper wrote:
> That's a good example. Another example: a little while ago
> (http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/7/1/70) Daniel Drake from Gentoo was
> reporting a problem where page_mapcount(page) was getting negative. As
> it turned out, it was related with a nVidia proprietary driver that
> the machine was running. With the system, we just needed to search for
> "Eeek! page_mapcount(page) went negative! (-1)" on kernels
> (maybe too generic), and he would see that lots of people reporting
> that has, between other things, nVidia drivers running. It's already a
> clue on where to start looking for. The same applies for lots of other
> stuff.
That sounds backwards to me - any kernel bug reporting system should
immediately discard bug reports with the nvidia driver loaded, as such a
kernel is not debuggable.