Re: [patch] Re: Magic Alt-SysRq change in 2.6.18-rc1

From: Paulo Marques
Date: Wed Jul 12 2006 - 18:33:27 EST

Bodo Eggert wrote:
Paulo Marques <pmarques@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This allows for all the combinations mentioned before in this thread and
makes the logic simpler, IMHO.

Why don't you use a bitmask?
alt-sysrq down -> val = 0b11
sysrq up -> val &= ~0b01
alt up -> val &= ~0b10

test is_sysrq == !!val

It can be done, but it doesn't seem to buy you much.

The sysrq_alt variable is used wether we use magic sysrq or not, so we must keep it anyway. This var doesn't do what your high bit does, because in the bit mask this bit only goes on when both are pressed (not just alt).

alt up is actually 2 different keys (left and right). To detect it, we either copy the same "if" that is outside the #ifdef or we try to follow the state of sysrq_alt to detect the change from low to high :P

Anyway, I think the code can be simplified further, though, and it might involve a similar trick. And it definitely needs some more comments in there ;)

I'll play with it some more and try to produce a better patch.

Paulo Marques
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