From: Andrew Morton
Date: Fri Jul 14 2006 - 02:29:59 EST

On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 08:09:32 +0200
andrea@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> The only thing left worth discussing is why if I set TIF_NOTSC to 10
> instead of 19 the kernel was crashing hard... After I checked and
> rechecked everything else I deduced it had to be that number and after
> changing it to 19 everything works fine... I also verified the first
> rdtsc kills the task with a sigsegv. It would be nice to make sure
> it's not a bug in the below patch that 10 didn't work but just some
> hidden kernel "feature" ;).

Using a bit <= 15 will cause kernel to take the work_notifysig path
"pending work-to-be-done flags are in LSW". I'm not sure what happens if
there's such a flag set but nothing is set up to handle it. I guess it
stays set and processes never get out of the kernel again.

Perhaps TIF_SECCOMP should be >= 16 too - the special-case in
_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK looks odd.

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