Re: [RFC] #define rwxr_xr_x 0755
From: Björn Steinbrink
Date: Thu Jul 27 2006 - 18:23:15 EST
On 2006.07.28 00:59:11 +0400, Alexey Dobriyan wrote:
> Every time I try to decipher S_I* combos I cry in pain. Often I just
> refer to include/linux/stat.h defines to find out what mode it is
> because numbers are actually quickier to understand.
> Compare and contrast:
> 0644 vs S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR vs rw_r__r__
> I'd say #2 really sucks.
IMHO #3 sucks more, it's not as easy to spot when glossing over the
code, the underscores make it quite ugly (think _r________) and it's
less "greppable". If I know that there's something that sets S_ISUID, I
can easily search for that, compare that to [_cpdbl]{1}[r_]{1}[w_]{1}s...
And those S_I* things aren't that hard to parse actually. It starts with
the affected modes and then the "target user". So your example reads
Read - User Group Other | Write - User
It took me some time to realize that, but once you got it, it's easy.
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