From: RazorBlu
Date: Fri Aug 04 2006 - 17:40:59 EST
Will these ever be implemented? If so, when? At the moment, all the
Linux kernel brings (ie. without any external access control systems
such as grsecurity or RSBAC) are rwx permissions. Even Windows brings
more finely-grained access controls than this - is that something we
want to live with?
I for one would like to see more finely-grained access controls
available out-of-the-box, so to speak. I don't want to have to download
an LSM plugin or whatnot in order to do it for me. Does it really matter
which one you choose? Pick the most mature one and be done with it. If
you choose grsecurity and some RSBAC die-hards still want to use RSBAC,
let them - but at least have _something_ in the kernel which allows more
finely-grained controls than rwx.
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