Re: PATCH/FIX for drivers/cdrom/cdrom.c

From: Alan Cox
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 10:46:16 EST

Ar Iau, 2006-08-17 am 10:36 -0400, ysgrifennodd Lennart Sorensen:
> I think hal should get an error when it tries to open the cdrom device
> when the burning application is using it. It shouldn't even get a

If it uses O_EXCL it will find the device busy assuming both parties use
O_EXCL properly.

> chance to issue an ioctl. I was assuming hal doesn't keep the cdrom
> device open at all times (if it does, well that would be stupid).

Indeed but this is HAL so I suggest you strace it first 8)

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