Re: GPL Violation?
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Thu Aug 17 2006 - 11:53:59 EST
Anonymous User wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who has responded to my question so far.
> It seems like the two issues that need to be addressed are:
> 1) Are the kernel modules being developed derived works? If they are,
> they must be released along with the entire kernel source.
> 2) If they are not derived works, and shipped in a product, does the
> fact that they are shipped in a product that uses the linux kernel
> require that the new modules be licensed under the GPL?
If you refer to "kernel modules" in the commonly used sense of the term,
i.e. modules that are linked into the kernel's address space and use its
symbols, then at least the FSF's lawyers' interpretation of the GPL is
Stefan Richter
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