Re: 0x7f in SectorIdNotFound errors

From: Alan Cox
Date: Tue Aug 29 2006 - 14:50:51 EST

Ar Llu, 2006-08-28 am 12:56 -0700, ysgrifennodd Martin Dorey:
> Aug 14 01:10:33 ithaki kernel: hdb: drive_cmd: status=0x7f { DriveReady
> DeviceFault SeekComplete DataRequest CorrectedError Index Error }
> In hex, that LBAsect is 0x17f7f7f7f7f. The disk is:

That may well have been f7f7f7f7f7... because several bits will have
been masked (its not 32bit addressed at controller<>device level)

> FS is ext3. smartctl didn't report any errors but, then, it wouldn't
> necessarily if the problem was garbage fs metadata. I found a few other
> LKML postings with 0x7f patterns in part of the LBAsect.

If you force an fsck do you see any errors ? I guess not but if you have
a chance to check please do.

I'm not sure where F7 came from as it is not a poison value we typically
use. The fact the value is odd is also significant. Most of the kernel
deals in 1K block sizes so any error/corruption occurred fairly low down
once we got into sectors. That seems to rule out, for example, ext3
metadata corruption because it would be very strange drive geometry to
start a partition on an odd sector boundary, and the ext3 meta data
doesn't go down to sector granularity.


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