Re: 2.6.18-rc5 - HPT302 wierdness
From: John Stoffel
Date: Wed Aug 30 2006 - 10:01:22 EST
Alan> Ar Maw, 2006-08-29 am 20:12 -0400, ysgrifennodd John Stoffel:
>> The drives are identical, and bought at the same time, yet on bootup
>> of 2.6.18-rc5, they show up with different values for CHS and for Max
>> Request Size.
Alan> One is using LBA48 the other is not. Looks like you have two
Alan> very different firmwares
Thanks Alan, looking at them, the firwares are quite different. I'm
going to see about upgrading the down-rev one if possible, and I'll
check my third 120gb drive which is in an un-powered external
enclosure right now. Whee!
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